You can export the project dictionary in one Excel file.
It will contain the most relevant properties of attributes and measures of the project.
Go to Tools > Project dictionary > Export to Excel.
The exported Excel sheet lets you browse and edit attribute and measure details.
All changes can be imported back into the project (Tools > Project dictionary > Import from Excel)
For measures, the following columns are considered when importing the file back to the project:
- Name
- Description
- Note
- SourceTable
- SourceField
- Formula
- Logical Name
- SQL Type
- Length
- Precision
- Scale
- Custom properties
For attributes, the following columns are considered when importing the file back to the project:
- Name
- Description
- Note
- SampleValues
- SourceTable
- SourceField
- Logical Name
- SQL Type
- Length
- Precision
- Scale
- Custom properties
If you want to export and modify the conceptual model of the project you can check Exporting an existing model to Excel.