Open the project you want to publish with Indyco Builder and select the "Publish current project" menu item under the "Explorer" section. 

A project can be published only if it is not empty and contains no validation errors in its fact schemas and conformed hierarchies.
If there are no areas in your project, indyco Builder will show you an alert asking you to automatically create default areas based on the project data marts.

If some factschemas are not included in any areas, indyco Builder will show you this windows to notice that these factschemas will not be published on indyco Explorer.

If you not see some custom visualizations or see message "All custom views contained in this tag are unaccessible" after published project, the reason is because that you published project with custom visualizations that included some factschemas not imported in any areas.

You can now select on which server the current project will be published (you can even create a new server using the "Manage remote server" option) and specify a commit message (this is mandatory).
Finally, click on the "Publish" button to start publishing the project to the server. indyco Builder will check if there are any connections issues (i.e., if the server is reachable) and show you the status at the bottom-right corner of the window.

If any problems are found, click on the status message to be redirected to the status page and know which are the specific issues that prevent indyco Builder from completing the publishing operation. Otherwise, publishing will be completed and a confirmation message will be shown.