Indyco Builder lets you customize the style of the generated templates using documentation templates.
You can create a new template from the “Generate documentation” dialog box, in the “Manage templates” section.
Click on “Create new” in order to generate a new template.
You can also rename an existing template and edit it with Microsoft Word.
Style name | Description |
DatamartTitle | The datamart section. Contains the datamart name. |
FactSchemaTitle | The fact schema section, under the datamart section. Contains the fact schema name. |
MeasureTitle | The "measures" section, under the fact schema section. |
AdditivityMatrixTitle | The "additivity matrix" section, under the fact schema section. |
DimensionTitle | The "hierarchies" section, under the fact schema section. |
FactSchemaDimensionTitle | The hierarchy section, under the "hierarchies" section. Contains the hierarchy name. |
TemporalScenarioTitle | The "temporal scenario" section, under the fact schema section. |
ConformedHierarchyTitle | The "conformed hierarchies" section. |
ConformedHierarchyFactSchemaTitle | The "conformed hierarchy" section, under the "conformed hierarchies section. Contains the conformed hierarchy name. |
AreasTitle | The "areas" section. |
AreasDetailTitle | The "area" section, under the "areas" section. Contains the area name. |
You can edit these styles with Microsoft Word to personalize the appearance of the document generated.
For more information regarding how to change a style in Microsoft Word, please refer to Make changes to a Quick Style set.