- indyco builder licensed with enterprise edition
- indyco explorer enterprise edition available from your network
- valid credential on indyco server: please contact your system Administrator for more information.
Grab project from server
From indyco Builder, go to File > Open project from source control
select the server you want to connect to or add one from the Manage... menu.
select the project you want to work on
insert a destination folder path. The latest version of your project will be downloaded to your machine so you can start working on it.
Add a a project to server
This operation have to be performed just once per project. Any subsequent modification should be "committed" from the Pending Changes menu.
When a non-connected project (i.e. a brand new project created choosing File > New > Project) is opened in indyco Builder, the toolbar look like this:
Clicking on Add to Version Control, the window below is shown.
Select your server, and click connect.
Your local project will be uploaded to the indyco server in order to be shared with any other developer in your company.
Please note that this operation doesn't publish the project to indyco Explorer!