- indyco builder licensed with enterprise edition
- indyco explorer enterprise edition available from your network
- valid credential on indyco server: please contact your system Administrator for more information.
- a local copy of a project already added to source control
Connect project on opening
While opening an indyco project connected to a version control, indyco will ask you to establish a connection to the server.
Working connected to your server is strongly recommended because it will enable a lot of useful features like notifications on other users activity and so on.
In case you cannot connect to the indyco server, you can choose to work offline. In this case the toolbar is going to look like this:
When you are offline, your work is saved locally and it will be possible to commit later.
At any moment you can decide to go online by clicking on Offline label. The Connect project windows is shown, you have to choose Connect to server now and insert your credentials.
Once online the toolbar wiil be updated and you can start the interaction with source control server.

When you ask for the history the window below are shown:
You can download any version from the history and get the project at this version opened on indyco Builder.
All rows has Get this version button except the one corresponding to the last version you pulled from server.
When getting a version a prompt will inform you that this operation will discard all your pending changes.
The Commit icon () could be enabled or disabled, based on your starting point: if you start working from the latest version stored on server the icon is enabled and you can proceed with the commit by clicking the icon (
) in the toolbar:
If, before to commit, you want to made a check on the changes you are going to commit, you have to click on expand button ( > ) in Show pending changes panel.
The grid loaded presents the list of your local changes.
The Revert button discards your pending changes and reload the project at the version you are starting from (the last version you pulled from server).
When you proceed with the commit your changes will be sent to the server, a new version will be created on it and this new version will be the new latest version.
If you click on you can see the new starting point for your changes will be the version you just commited.
Pull Changes
When your starting point is not the latest version stored on server, the Commit button is disabled.
Through History windows I set a starting point different from the latest version:
The toolbar will be updated and look like this:
From this starting point you can't commit directly, you have to use the Pull Changes icon () : the window below will be opened:
Through this window you could pull the latest version stored on server: you have to options:
- Pull will merge your pending changes with latest server version
- Get Latest will discard all your pending changes and set as a new starting point the latest version on server
If you choose to Pull, the versioning engine tries to merge your changes with the changes commited on server afterwards your starting point version.
The merge flow could ask you to solve conflicts if the changes you are committing is incompatible with some other change already commited.
If no conflicts are detected the engine ends up with the merge, your new starting point is set to the latest version so the Commit icon is enabled and you can proceed committing your pending changes.
The Pull Changes window has two other buttons:
- View Pending Changes shows the changes you made from your starting version
- View Remote Changes shows the changes committed on server between your starting point version and the latest version committed on server.