Indyco Explorer relies on a database as a persistence method for it's application metadata and user data.

Indyco Explorer stores it's data in 2 different logical containers:

  • indyco Explorer data and metadata
  • indyco Explorer Version Control System repositories

Configuration via appsettings

To customize the database connection strings you can override the default values by modifying the appsettings.Production.json file by adding the following configuration inside the Indyco section:

"MongoDbParameters": {
      "ConnectionString": "mongodb://username:password@host:port/?uuidRepresentation=Standard",
      "DatabaseName": "IndycoExplorer"
  "RepositoryMongoDbParameters": {
      "ConnectionString": "mongodb://username:password@host:port/?uuidRepresentation=Standard",
      "DatabaseName": "IndycoExplorerRepository"

Configuration via environment variables

To customize the database connection strings via environment variables you can override the default values with the following definitions:


UUID Representation

It's important to maintain the uuidRepresentation=Standard parameter in every connection string to ensure compatibility with past and future versions.