Available since indyco

Before starting please refer to the Requirements page to make sure that every requirement is met.


For this method it's required that Docker is installed. Please see the official installation documentation.

A docker volume called data, you can refer to the official volumes documentation.

Installation using Docker Compose

Before starting be sure that Docker Compose is installed and available. If needed refer to the official Docker compose documentation regarding install.

Create a docker-compose.yml like the following:

    image: mongo:5.0
    restart: always
      - data:/data/db

    image: 'iconsulting/indyco/server:latest'
    restart: always
      - mongo
      - 5000:5000

    external: true


To configure the Docker Compose installation you need to fill in the environment section in the docker-compose.yml

Database configuration

To configure the database connection strings add the following lines to the compose definition, inside the environment section:

      - Indyco__MongoDbParameters__ConnectionString=mongodb://username:password@host:port/?uuidRepresentation=Standard
      - Indyco__MongoDbParameters__DatabaseName=IndycoExplorer
      - Indyco__RepositoryMongoDbParameters__ConnectionString=mongodb://username:password@host:port/?uuidRepresentation=Standard
      - Indyco__RepositoryMongoDbParameters__DatabaseName=IndycoExplorerRepository

Secrets configuration

To configure the secrets used to sign the authentication tokens add the following lines to the compose definition, inside the environment section:

      - Indyco__TokenAuthentication__SecretKey=indycosecretSK!123456
      - Indyco__TokenAuthentication__HeaderSecretKey=indycosecretHSK!123456
      - Indyco__TokenAuthentication__Issuer=indyco.example.com

Be sure to change these values from the default ones!

Environment configuration

To configure the environment add the following lines to the compose definition, inside the environment section:

      - Environment__EnvironmentType=Production
      - Environment__Company=Company name

You can update the EnvironmentType to reflect the type of environment between Production, Test, Quality, Development.

License configuration

To configure the license add the following line to the compose definition, inside the environment section:

      - ExplorerLicense=INSERT YOUR LICENSE HERE

Bindings configuration

To enable HTTPS in the container installation please follow the specific guide (read more).

For further customization please refer to the configuration section of the documentation.


To run indyco position yourself in the same directory as the docker-compose.yml file and run the command docker-compose up -d

Verify installation

To verify the correct installation of indyco Explorer simply try to reach one of the bindings you configured. You should see a login interface and should be able to login using the default admin credentials (username: admin password: indyco).

Be sure to change the admin password!

In case of errors please check the application logs:

  • running the command docker-compose logs
  • check the logs inside the /app./App_data/logs folder inside the container instance